Production & Logistics

Production & Logistics

Behind the scenes

Our production and logistics keep things running smoothly for an excellent customer experience. Our colleagues in production collect, pack and check each and every item before they are placed in the boxes and handed over to our logistics, which ensures that they reach our customers in time. It takes a great deal of focus, planning and project management skills to run everything. If you like multitasking and logistics, then this department might be right up your alley! Some examples of what you can work with are:



Project Leader

Team Leader  

Logistics Coordinator

Storage Leader

Technical Leader

Warehouse Manager

Job openings

Below you can find all our current job openings. If you find one that suits you, let us know by applying today!

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Location: Production Oslo
Apply by: 2024-09-26

Vil du være med å produsere matkasser for Godtlevert og Adams Matkasse?

Har du erfaring fra produksjon og kjent for din pålitelighet og gode arbeidsmoral? Da er det kanskje DIN søknad vi venter på! 

Vi søker etter positive og entusiastiske medarbeidere som vil være med å pakke matkasser, og håndtere varer inn og ut av vårt lager. Hvis du er ivrig etter å bidra i et dynamisk og spennende miljø, vil vi gjerne høre fra deg!

For å jobbe hos oss må du

  • Jobbe effektivt og strukturert
  • Være ansvarlig, nøyaktig og pålitelig
  • Bidra til et godt arbeidsmiljø for alle
  • Kunne kommunisere godt på norsk og/eller engelsk, og ha gode samarbeidsevner
  • Være i god fysisk form da arbeidet er krevende, kunne jobbe i 2 - 4oC og være over 18 år

Hovedvekten av vår produksjon foregår torsdag og fredag, både på dagtid og kveldstid, og vi ansetter derfor medarbeidere for jobb primært til disse 2 dagene i en 40% stilling. I perioder med høy etterspørsel kan det være mulig å jobbe mer, da ved helgeskift, så vi ser etter personer som er fleksibel og kan tilpasse seg ulike ved behov.

Oppstart vil være: Snarest! 

Det er en fordel om du har truckførerbevis, og/eller har erfaring fra å jobbe i produksjon, MEN, det er ikke et krav! 

Søknadsfrist: Vi vurderer søknader fortløpende. Dette betyr at annonsen kan bli tatt ned før søknadsfristen utløper dersom vi finner de riktige kandidatene.   

Cheffelo was founded in 2008 with the vision of simplifying everyday life by offering a large variety of inspiring meals delivered directly to the customer's front door. Today, the group is a leading supplier of meal kits in the Nordic region and a leader in Scandinavian foodtech. The group operates in Sweden, Norway and Denmark under the brands Linas Matkasse, Godtlevert, Adams Matkasse and RetNemt. Cheffelo (CHEF) is listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market.

We at Cheffelo go to work every day to deliver customized meal solutions with everything failies need to prepare tasty, inspirational and varied meals from high-quality, locally grown ingredients. Our mission is to innovate the mealtime experience and let people enjoy homemade dinners together.


A culture to cherish

Our people are brave, curious and keen to make a difference for our customers, colleagues, and the environment! The warm and welcoming atmosphere creates the right setting for people to flourish and work their magic. We take pride in what we do and constantly challenge the status quo. We know that we are better together, and we have a strong team spirit that fosters a culture of collaboration. And when there's something to celebrate, we make sure to have some fun!

A culture to cherish

Job security

At Cheffelo, we are committed to creating the best working environment for our employees. We offer good job security and competitive salaries. We're there for you.

Job security

Place to grow

With 5 locations in the Nordics, there are endless opportunities for career progression! Would you like to work full-time, part-time, a few hours here and there, or perhaps only a season? We have a place for you, no matter where you're at. We encourage creativity and curiosity, and we make every effort to foster a learning culture for professional development. An academic degree or a long CV isn't always the most important thing for us. If you have the right mindset, we can certainly promise you a bright future!

Place to grow

Your own Meal box

We encourage you to get to know our product and explore how easy it is to prepare a tasty dinner for you and your family! So, we always offer you an employee discount on all our meal boxes. This discount applies to all our colleagues, regardless of how many hours you work.

Your own Meal box

Open minds, open heart

Our heart beats for the world and for the people around us. To meet global challenges, we work purposefully with sustainability. We have divided our sustainability work into five areas: Food Waste, Food Products, Resource Consumption, Health and Social Responsibility. All areas are linked to the UN's Global Sustainability Goals. We promote equal rights above all, and regardless of your ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, disability or age, our doors are always open to you.

Open minds, open heart